Atosa APP Privacy Protection Guidelines

Last Update: November 10, 2023

Atosa APP (hereinafter referred to as "Atosa") is an intelligent device management software operated and managed by Yindu Catering Equipment Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"). To explain how Atosa collects, uses, and stores your personal information and what rights you have, our company has elaborated the following key points through this guide:

i. Our company will explain in detail the types of personal information we collect and their corresponding purposes, so that you understand the specific categories, reasons, and methods of personal information collected for a particular function of our company.

ii. When you use some functions, our company will, after obtaining your consent, apply for certain specific permissions, such as camera access when scanning QR codes to add devices. Unless required by relevant laws and regulations, refusing to provide this information will only prevent you from using specific functions but will not affect your normal use of other functions of Atosa.

iii. You can access, correct, or delete your personal information through the channels listed in this guide. You can also withdraw consent, delete your account, lodge complaints, and set privacy features.

iv. In order to collect your information under this guide or to provide you with services, optimize our services, and ensure the security of your account, our company will need to request related permissions from you. Sensitive permissions such as precise geolocation and camera access are not enabled by default and are only activated after your explicit consent.

It should be specifically noted that obtaining sensitive permissions is a necessary but not sufficient condition for our company to collect specific information. Obtaining a particular sensitive permission does not mean that our company will necessarily collect your related information; even if we have obtained sensitive permissions, we will collect or use your related information only when necessary and according to this guide.

For more detailed information, please read the corresponding sections below:

1. Information Collected by Our Company

2. Storage of Information

3. Information Security

4. How Our Company Uses Information

5. Provision to Third Parties

6. Your Rights

7. Others

8. Contact Our Company

1. Information Collected by Our Company

During your use of the Atosa service, Atosa collects information that you provide voluntarily or as a result of your use of the Services, in order to provide you with the Services, to optimize our Services, and to protect the security of your account in the following ways:

1.1 When you register for Atosa services, we collect your email information. This is to help you complete Atosa registration and ensure the security of your Atosa account. Atosa uses the email address as the unique identifier for users. If you do not provide this information, you may not be able to use our services normally.

1.2 When you use Atosa services, to ensure your normal use of our services, maintain the normal operation of our services, improve and optimize our service experience, and ensure the security of your account, we collect information such as your device model, operating system, login IP address, software version number, and service log information (e.g., your search and viewing operations in Atosa, service fault information, etc.). This type of information is essential for providing services.

1.3 When you use Atosa, we store some intermediate status to ensure a better interaction, so storage permissions are necessary. However, we do not store content related to your personal information, nor do we attempt to read data not generated by Atosa.

1.4 When you use the QR code scanning feature to add devices, we will request camera permission from you. Refusing this permission will prevent you from using this feature, but you can still add devices manually.

1.5 You can fill in your username and upload your avatar in your personal information section. This information will be uploaded and stored on our servers, so that you can use this information when logging into Atosa on other devices. You can modify or delete this information at any time.

2. Storage of Information

2.1 Location of Information Storage: Our company will store the personal information of users collected within the territory in Europe according to GPDR regulations. If your personal information storage location is transferred from Europe to overseas, our company will strictly follow legal requirements.

2.2 Duration of Information Storage: Generally, our company only retains your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the intended purposes. For example:

Email address: If you need to use Atosa services, we need to keep your email address to ensure you can use the service normally. Once you cancel your Atosa account, we will delete the relevant information.

In the event of a cessation of operation of our products or services, we will notify you through push notifications, announcements, etc., and will delete your personal information or anonymize it within a reasonable period (Anonymization refers to the process of technically processing personal information so that the subject of the personal information cannot be identified, and the processed information cannot be restored. Information obtained after anonymization of personal information is not considered personal information).

3. Information Security

Our company strives to provide security for users' information to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access, or disclosure.

We use various security measures within a reasonable level of security to protect the information. For example, we use encryption technology (such as SSL), anonymization, and other means to protect your personal information.

We continually improve the technical means to enhance the security capabilities of the software installed on your device, to prevent the leakage of your personal information. For instance, for secure transmission, we complete some information encryption work locally on your device; to prevent viruses, Trojan programs, or other malicious programs and websites, we may need to understand the application information installed on your device, the running process information, or data stored in the device memory; to prevent fraud, account theft, impersonation of others, and for security checks, we may analyse and use unique device identifiers, login IP addresses, operation logs, geographic location information, etc., to take security measures or issue security warnings.

We try our best to protect your personal information. However, we also ask you to understand that no security measures can be 100% secure.

4. How Our Company Uses Information

Our company may use the information collected through certain functions for other services of our company. For instance, the information collected while you use a certain function or service of our company might be used in another function or service to provide you with specific content. This includes but is not limited to displaying advertisements, offering more accurate and personalized services and content, protecting user rights, and ensuring the security of the Atosa ecosystem.

To ensure the security of the service and to better understand the operation of our applications, our company may record relevant information, such as the frequency of your use of the application, crash data, overall usage, performance data, and the source of the application. We do not combine the information stored in our analytical software with any personal identity information you provide in the application.

If our company uses your personal information beyond the scope directly or reasonably related to the purposes declared at the time of collection, we will inform you again and obtain your explicit consent before using your personal information.

5. Provision to Third Parties

Currently, our company does not actively share or transfer your personal information to third parties outside of Atosa. However, in situations where sharing or transferring your personal information to third parties outside of Atosa is necessary, our company will directly obtain or confirm that the third party has obtained your explicit consent for the aforementioned actions, except when necessary to protect user rights or the security of the Atosa ecosystem.

Our company does not publicly disclose the personal information it collects. If public disclosure is necessary, we will inform you of the purpose, type of information disclosed, and any sensitive information involved, and obtain your explicit consent.

As our company's business continues to develop, we may engage in mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers, or other transactions. In such cases, we will inform you of the relevant situations and continue to protect your personal information or require the new Controlling Company to continue protecting your personal information, in accordance with laws and regulations and standards not lower than those required by this guide.

6. Your Rights

During your use of Atosa, to make it more convenient for you to access, correct, and delete your personal information, and to ensure your right to withdraw consent for the use of personal information and to cancel your account, our company provides corresponding operational settings. You can follow the guidelines below for these operations.

Please note that there may be differences in operational settings between different operating systems and different versions of Atosa software. Additionally, to optimize your user experience, our company may also adjust the operational settings. Therefore, the following guidelines are for reference only.

6.1 Access to Personal Information:

6.1.1 Access to basic information such as email, avatar, and username ("Name"):

1) After logging in Atosa, click on the drop-down menu at the top left;

2) Click on the avatar section “Personal Information”;

3) Perform information query and access.

6.2 Deletion of Personal Information:

6.2.1 Deletion of basic information such as avatar and username ("Name"):

1) After logging in Atosa, click on the drop-down menu at the top left;

2) Click on the avatar section “Personal Information”;

3) Modify the corresponding content to be empty and save.

6.3 Modify Personal Information:

6.3.1 Change basic information such as avatar and username ("Name"):

1) After logging in Atosa, click on the drop-down menu at the top left;

2) Click on the avatar section “Personal Information”;

3) Modify the corresponding content and save.

6.4 Cancellation of Account:

6.4.1 Cancelling Atosa account:

1) After logging in Atosa, click on the drop-down menu at the top left;

2) Click on "System Settings";

3) Click on "Cancel Account";

Note: After you cancel your account, our company will retain your related information for 7 days. After 7 days, we will delete your personal information. You will need to re-register to use the related account.。


Atosa's Privacy Policy is Atosa's general and uniformly applicable privacy policy, and the rights and information security safeguards set forth therein are applicable to Atosa's users. In case of any inconsistency between the Atosa Privacy Policy and this guide, please refer to this guide for the accurate information.

8.Contact Our Company

When you have other complaints or suggestions, please send your queries to or contact our company directly. Our company will promptly review the issues involved and respond within fifteen days after verifying your user identity.